Article 3

3.2.2 Scenario – What scoping gaps can the Convention fill?

The Convention is sufficiently broad in scope that where existing agreements have gaps in their coverage which may pose a serious obstacle to cooperation, the Convention will support and supplement them (Article 3). A number of important elements of the hydrologic cycle are often missing from transboundary agreements. Also many transboundary agreements identifying water use types and water allocations fail to include any standards for the quality of that water. Figure 1.8 shows the primary focus of transboundary water agreements adopted during the 20th Century, which suggests there are many gaps which could be filled by the Convention to provide more integrated water management within the respective agreements.169

169 See also the discussion on gaps the Convention can fill under Section 3.1.1.

Figure 1.8 - Primary Focus of Transboundary Water Agreements<br /><br />
Adopted During the 20th Century (Source - Jägerskog and Phillips 2006) Figure 1.8 Primary Focus of Transboundary Water Agreements
Adopted During the 20th Century (Source – Jägerskog and Phillips 2006)168

168 D Phillips and others, Trans-Boundary Water Cooperation as a Tool for Conflict Prevention and for Broader Benefit-Sharing (EGDI, Ministry for Foreign Affairs 2006).

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