Article 27

27.3 Additional reading

Bakker MHN, ‘Transboundary River Floods and Institutional Capacity’ (2009) 45(3) Journal of the American Water Resources Association 553.

Bates BC, Kundzewicz ZE, Wu S and Palutikof JP (eds.), Climate Change and Water (IPPC 2008).

Cooley H, Christian-Smith J, Gleick PH, Allen L and Cohen M, Understanding and Reducing the Risk of Climate Change for Transboundary Waters (Pacific Institute 2009).

Dellapenna JW, ‘Adapting the Law of Water Management to Global Climate Change and Other Hydropolitical Stresses’, (1999) 35 Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1301.

Drieshova A, Fischhendler I and Giordano, M, ‘Governance Mechanisms to Address Flow Variability in Water Treaties’ (2008) 18(2) Global Environmental Change 285.

Drieshova A, Fischhendler I and Giordano, M, ‘The Role of Uncertainties in the Design of International Water Treaties: An historical perspective’ (2011) 105(3) Climate Change 387.

Fischhendler I, ‘Legal and Institutional Adaptation to Climate Uncertainty: a study of international rivers’ (2004) 6(4) Water Policy 281.

Goldenman G, ‘Adapting to Climate Change: A Study of International Rivers and Their Legal Arrangements’ (1990) 17(4) Ecology Law Quarterly 741.

ILA, ‘Flood Control’, in Slavko Bogdanovic, International Law of Water Resources – Contribution of the ILA (1954 – 2000) (Kluwer Law International 2001).

Lucia De Stefano and others, Mapping the Resilience of International River Basins to Future Climate Change-Induced Water Variability, March 2010, Water Sector Board Discussion Paper Series, March 2010.

McCaffrey SC, ‘The Need for Flexibility in Freshwater Treaty Regimes’ (2003) Natural Resources Forum 156.

Schmeier S, Resilience to Climate Change – Induced Challenges in the Mekong River Basin (World Bank 2011).

Tanzi A and Arcari M, The United Nation Convention on the Law of International Watercourses (Kluwer Law International 2001), 222-224.

Tarlock D, ‘How Well Can International Water Allocation Regimes Adapt to Global Climate Change?’ (2010) 14 Denver Water Law Review 1.

Teclaff LA, ‘Treaty Practice Relating to Transboundary Flooding’, (1991) 31 Natural Resources Journal 109. UN ECE, Guidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change (UN 2009).

UN ECE, ‘Declaration of Bonn, Rules of procedures for Meetings of the Parties and Model Provisions on Transboundary Flood Management’ (23 December 2008), ECE/MP.WAT/19/Add1.

UN ECE, ‘Sustainable Flood Prevention’ (14 January 2000), MP.WAT/2000/7.


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