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Centre for Water Law, Policy & Science (GWLPS)

World Widlife Fund

International Green Cross

Global Water Partnership



University of Northumbria



Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets



Figure 1.1 Figure 1.1 Scope Defines the Legal Coverage of a Treaty – Waters and Water Use (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 1.2 - Status of World Water (Source UNESCO) Figure 1.2 Status of World Water (Source: UNESCO)
Figure 1.3 - An Ephemeral River (Source adapted by Authors (2012) from Figure 1.5 below) Figure 1.3 An Ephemeral River (Source: adapted by A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012, from Figure 1.5 below)
Figure 1.4 Legal Coverage of Groundwaters (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 1.5 - Illustration of Transboundary Aquifer (Source Puri and others, 2001) Figure 1.5 Illustration of Transboundary Aquifer (Source: Puri and others, 2001)136
Figure 1.6 - Groundwater Resources of the World (Source WHYMAP and Margat, 2008) Figure 1.6 Groundwater Resources of the World (Source: WHYMAP and Margat, 2008)137
Figure 1.7 - Treaty Inclusivity167 Figure 1.7 Treaty Inclusivity167
Figure 1.8 - Primary Focus of Transboundary Water Agreements Adopted During the 20th Century (Source - Jägerskog and Phillips 2006) Figure 1.8 Primary Focus of Transboundary Water Agreements Adopted During the 20th Century (Source: Jägerskog and Phillips 2006)168
Figure 2,1 Figure 2.1 Theories of Allocation (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 2.2 - The Application of Equitable and Reasonable Use (Source Authors) Figure 2.2 The Application of Equitable and Reasonable Use (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 2.3 - Relevant Factors Matrix (Source Authors) Figure 2.3 Relevant Factors Matrix (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 2.4 - Significant Harm (Source Authors) Figure 2.4 Significant Harm (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 3.1 - Planned Measures (Source Authors) Figure 3.1 Planned Measures (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 4.1 - Ecosystem Services and Rivers (Source UK MEA 2011) Figure 4.1 Ecosystem Services and Rivers (Source: UK MEA 2011)
Figure 4.2 - The World Health Organisation Water Quality Standards Figure 4.2 The World Health Organisation Water Quality Standards
Figure 5.1 - Effects of climate change and its impacts on water services Figure 5.1 Effects of climate change and its impacts on water services. Source: Amended from BC Bates, ZW Kundzewicz, S Wu and JP Palutikof (eds.), Climate Change and Water (IPPC 2008), 70.
Figure 6.1 - Water Security Risk Index (Source Maplecroft, 2011) Figure 6.1 Water Security Risk Index (Source: Maplecroft, 2011)
Figure 6.2 - International humanitarian laws applicable to armed conflict involving watercourses (Source Authors) Figure 6.2 International humanitarian laws applicable to armed conflict involving watercourses (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 6.3 - Legal right of non-discrimination and equal access to national remedies (Source Authors) Figure 6.3 Legal right of non-discrimination and equal access to national remedies (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 4.6 - Indus River Basin (Source TFDD, 2005) Figure 6.4 Indus River Basin (Source: TFDD, 2005)513
Figure 6.5 - Danube River Basin (Source WWF, 2005) Figure 6.5 Danube River Basin (Source: WWF, 2005)
Figure 6.6 - Provisional Solution: Variant “C” Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Source Authors (2012), adapted from ICJ (1997)) Figure 6.6 Provisional Solution: Variant “C” Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012, adapted from ICJ (1997))
Figure 6.7 - Original Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Source Authors (2012), adapted from ICJ (1997)) Figure 6.7 Original Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012, adapted from ICJ (1997))
Figure 6.8 - Article 33 Dispute Settlement (Source Authors) Figure 6.8 Article 33 Dispute Settlement (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)
Figure 7.1 - States with the option of ratifying, accepting or approving the Convention (Source Authors) Figure 7.1 States with the option of ratifying, accepting or approving the Convention (Source: A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, 2012)


Video: Flavia Loures Video: Flavia Loures 10 more years for entry into force?- Role of the UNWC Global Initiative in promoting the UNWC (WWF)
Video: Musa Abseno Video: Musa Abseno What is the regional role and relevance of the UNWC in the Nile Basin? – the Nile Basin Initiative
Video: Ruby Moynihan Video: Ruby Moynihan Introduction to the UNWC User’s Guide
Video: Abby Onencan Video: Abby Onencan What is the regional role, relevance and added value of the UNWC to East Africa?
Video: Lesha Witmer Video: Lesha Witmer Importance of the entry into force of the UNWC
Video: Alana Lancaster Video: Alana Lancaster How can the UNWC strengthen existing governance structures and cooperation mechanisms? – Example of the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty in the Amazon River Basin
Video: Naho Mirumachi Video: Naho Mirumachi The relationship between international law and the sovereign state system
Video: John Joyce Video: John Joyce Water Economics- and economic reading of the UNWC
Video: Lara Ognibene Video: Lara Ognibene Role of UNEP in implementing legislation on water, Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), and the UNWC
Video: L Boisson de Chazournes Video: L Boisson de Chazournes Provisions on environmental protection in the UNWC, and their interaction with analogous articles in Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Video: Alexander Lopez Video: Alexander Lopez What will be the contribution of the UNWC to water governance in Latin America?
Video: Anton Earle Video: Anton Earle Application of the UNWC in Southern Africa and interaction with the SADC Protocol
Video: Stephen McCaffrey Video: Stephen McCaffrey What is the legitimacy of the UNWC? – An historical perspective
Video: Attila Tanzi Video: Attila Tanzi Compatibility of the UNWC with the UNECE Water Convention
Video: Inga Jacobs Video: Inga Jacobs What is the role and relevance of the UNWC for multi-level water governance?
Video: Hamid Sarfaz Video: Hamid Sarfaz How can the UNWC assist transboundary water cooperation?- The context of river conflicts between Pakistan and India
Video: Owen McIntyre Video: Owen McIntyre The concept of equity in international water law
Video: John Metzger Video: John Metzger Role of the UNWC and value of stakeholder participation in international water law
Video: Dinara Ziganshina Video: Dinara Ziganshina How can the UNWC assist states in Central Asia in building effective governance of their shared water resources?- Focus on the Aral Sea
Video: Chantal Demilecamps Video: Chantal Demilecamps Introduction to the UNECE Water Convention (Helsinki Convention)
Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke What is the relationship between the Principle of Equitable & Reasonable Use and the No-Significant-Harm Rule in the UNWC?
Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke How are the concepts of Drainage Basin and Watercourse defined and why choose one over the other?
Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Are states required to carry out Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) under the UNWC?
Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Prior notification over planned measures in the UNWC
Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Dispute settlement mechanisms in the UNWC (Art.33)
Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Can regional economic integration organisations become party to the UNWC?
Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Provisions of the UNWC regarding the protection of ecosystems

Relevant Legal Instruments


- UNECE Water Convention (Helsinki Convention)

- Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

- Nile River Basin Cooperation Framework Agreement

- Indus Waters Treaty

- Mekong River Basin Agreement

- Convention Relating to the Status of the Senegal River

- ILC Draft Articles on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (with commentaries)

- ILC Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers

Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers

EU Water Framework Directive

- Ramsar Convention

- Biodiversity Convention

- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

- UN Convention to Combat Desertification

Tribunal and Court Judgments

- Trail Smelter Arbitration

- Lac Lanoux Arbitration

- Gut Dam Arbitration

- Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration

- Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the River Oder Case

- River Meuse Case

Case Concerning the Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros Project

- Pulp Mills Case


Additional Reports & Documents

Global Water Conventions: Coordinated Implementation

European Regional Assessment

West Africa Regional Assessment (English)

West Africa Regional Assessment (French)


UN Watercourses User’s Guide

A Rieu-Clarke, R Moynihan, B-O Magsig, ‘UN Watercourses Convention – User’s Guide ‘ (CWLPS, Dundee; 2012)


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