Article 19

Urgent Implementation of Planned Measures

Convention Text

  1. In the event that the implementation of planned measures is of the utmost urgency in order to protect public health, public safety or other equally important interests, the state planning the measures may, subject to Article 5 and Article 7, immediately proceed to implementation, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 14 and paragraph 3 of Article 17.
  2. In such case, a formal declaration of the urgency of the measures shall be communicated without delay to the other watercourse states referred to in Article 12 together with the relevant data and information.
  3. The state planning the measures shall, at the request of any of the states referred to in paragraph 2, promptly enter into consultations and negotiations with it in the manner indicated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 17.
Video: L Boisson de Chazournes Video: L Boisson de Chazournes Provisions on environmental protection in the UNWC, and their interaction with analogous articles in Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Video: Alistair Rieu-Clarke Prior notification over planned measures in the UNWC

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Notification Process for Planned Measures


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